Auto Glass Services
Power Window Repairs
Auto Glass Services & Power Windows Repairs
4245 E Sahara Avenue
No. # 11
Las Vegas, NV 89104
United States
ph: 702-572-3970
Auto Glass Services & Power Window Repairs
Whether its a Truck ,SUV,Van,Sedan we rebuilt or replace any type of Car window regulator or car window motor or just off track door glass, Las Vegas Auto Glass technicians can expertly replace it or rebuilt your power/manual window . We know the value of an enjoyable ride, so we treat your car regulator, auto window switches or car window motor with the same quality, care, and expertise as we do glass.
☆ Mobile Auto Window Installation Services
• Lifetime Warranty on workmanship and Rock chip Repair
• Responsive 7- Days week with our Same-Day service
• Approved by most insurance companies to service customer claims
• Las Vegas, NV
• Paradise, NV
• Henderson, NV
• North Las Vegas,NV
• Green Valley, Las Vegas,NV
• Clark County, Las Vegas,NV
• Paradise, NV
• Sunrise Manor, Las Vegas, NV
☆ Auto Glass Repairs
☆ Auto Glass Replacements
☆ Power Window Repairs
We are also honest and reliable for all our work, I am proud to say that Las Vegas Auto Glass is a local family owned and operated business so when you walk trough the door or call one of our glass specialist will treat you like family .
Our Goal is To provide the best customer service possible.
✻ Insured & Certified Auto Glass Replacements
✻ Service right to your doorstep, home or office
✻ Extensively trained Auto Glass Specialists
✻ Maintain competitive prices on all repairs.
✻ We Warranty our work in writing.
✻ Wholesale Prices Or Less!
✻ We offer the same services as your local dealer
✻ Same day service in most cases
☆ No Appointment Necessary
☆ Same Day Car Glass Installations
☆ Auto Glass Repairs
☆ Auto Glass Replacements
☆ Power Window Repairs
* Grinding Noise when using Switch Up or Down
* No Sound When using Switch Up and Down
* No Movement When using Switch Up and Down
* Door Glass Fell Down Inside Door
* Window Moves One Way
* Makes Noise or Does Nothing at All?
* Window Stuck Halfway?
* Window Won't Go Down or Up?
* Door Glass Fell Down Inside Door
* Window Moves One Way
We repair / Replace Any Car Year and model.
We repair and Replace Any Car Year and Model:
Foreign and Domestic Cars
Commercial Trucks,Vans,Suv,Sedans
Window motors are located within car doors and working with the window regulator, raise and lower the windows of the vehicle. Since windows are used frequently, window motors are some of the most actively used parts in any vehicle. Thus, window regulators
Whether its a truck ,suv,van,sedan we rebuilt or replace any type of Car window regulator or car window motor or just off track door glass, Our technicians can replace it or rebuilt your power or manual car window .
Don't waste your time with cheap after market auto parts. Rebuild your own OEM part, there is no substitute for your original equipment.
We've been rebuilding regulators since 2000 and have a 3 month warranty on all regulators And Motors Repairs For Parts And Labor!
Auto Glass Phone Number & Location
4245 E Sahara Avenue
Suite # 11
Las Vegas Nevada, 89104
East Sahara and lamb
☎ 702-572-3970
We are located inside at the sauth east corner of east sahara and lamb.
Hours Of Operation:
Monday: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sunday: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Copyright Las Vegas Auto Glass & Power Windows . All rights reserved.
Auto Glass Services & Power Windows Repairs
4245 E Sahara Avenue
No. # 11
Las Vegas, NV 89104
United States
ph: 702-572-3970